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Travel back in time to discover the stories and significance of the companies and people whose names adorn Financial District buildings. In addition to Silver Kings, the Big Four, and renowned bankers, this tour will introduce you to many others who “mined the miners” to create wealth beyond any normal imagination.

Tour Dates, Times, and Guides:

  • Friday, April 7 @ 11AM
  • Friday, May 5th @ 11AM
  • Friday, June 2nd @ 11AM

(All tours led by Thom Jackson)

Maximum attendees: 15

Current SFHS members: free. Non-members: $20 donation requested (under 13 free)

Current SFHS Members please RESERVE your spot: Register HERE!

Non-members please PURCHASE your tickets for any tour: Register HERE!

In case of rain, tour will be rescheduled. More info: [email protected]

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